School Uniform
All uniform items are only available at the 4th floor of
El Corte Inglés department store in Avenida António Augusto Aguiar 31, Lisbon.
Please mark all uniform items with the student’s name.

Junior School Nursery to Grade 5
Students must wear the complete school uniform at school and on school outings and visits. Students without the mandatory PE uniform will not participate in PE classes. Students should present a written note to the class teachers if, for any exceptional reason, they are unable to wear the school uniform.
Girls’ Junior School Uniform
(All classes)
- Red tartan school skirt or navy tailored trousers (No jeans/denims, cords or track suit bottoms)
- White school polo shirt with school emblem (long or short sleeved).
- Red V-neck pullover
- School uniform fleece
- Blue hat with school logo
- Socks: red or blue. Red tights may be worn in cold weather
- Plain black, navy or brown leather shoes (No sports shoes)
Boys’ Junior School Uniform
(All classes)
- School grey tailored trousers or shorts
- White school polo shirt with school emblem (long or short sleeved)
- Navy V-necked pullover
- School uniform fleece
- Blue hat with school logo
- Socks: grey or navy
- Plain black, navy or brown leather shoes (No sports shoes)
Students must wear safe, sensible and durable footwear. Black leather shoes are preferred. No ‘joggers’ or sports shoes are permitted. Gym shoes and sports shoes may only be worn during breaks and PE.
Boys’ and Girls’ Junior PE Uniform (All classes)
- White shorts and socks
- White school PE T-shirt
- School navy uniform track suit
On PE days and if PE class takes place before the first break, all Grades are allowed to come to school in school PE uniform. Grades 3 to 5 will then have to change into the school uniform.

Senior School Grade 6 to Grade 10
Students in Grades 6 to 10 are expected to wear the complete school uniform at school and on specified educational field trips. Students out of uniform may be refused admission to class.
Girls’ Senior School Dress Code: Grades 6-10
- School navy skirt or navy tailored trousers (No jeans/denims)
- Plain navy V-necked pullover / Plain navy hoodie with school emblem
- White school polo shirt with school emblem (long or short sleeved)
- School uniform fleece with school logo
- Plain navy socks or tights
- Plain black, navy or brown leather shoes (No sports shoes)
- Any garment worn under a shirt must be white without logos
Boys’ Senior School Dress Code: Grades 6-10
- School grey tailored trousers or shorts (No jeans/denims)
- Plain navy V-necked pullover / Plain navy hoodie with the school emblem
- White school polo shirt with school emblem (long or short sleeved)
- School uniform fleece with school logo
- Socks: grey or navy
- Plain black, navy or brown leather shoes (No sports shoes)
- Any garment worn under a shirt must be white without logos
Boys’ and Girls’ Senior PE kit: Grades 6-10
- School navy shorts
- White School PE T-Shirt
- Navy uniform track suit is optional but no other track suit may be worn.
- White socks

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device
Any students from MYP Grade 6 onwards must have their personal device, preferably a laptop.
Teachers will inform the students as to when the device should be brought to school.
Girls and Boys Grades 11-12 Students in Grades 11 and 12, whilst not required to wear a uniform, are expected to dress with a level of smartness appropriate to an educational workplace. Smart casual dress is acceptable; beachwear and sportswear, for example, are not. Students are expected to dress in a way that will not cause offence to any member of the school community. Hair styles and jewelry should be moderate and chosen so as not to draw particular or unusual attention.