Academic Results and University Placements
Achieving Each One's Potential
St. Dominic’s is a school committed to inclusivity. Our statistics are very transparent and we do our best to ensure that each student achieves their potential.
We have students who have accessed their first-choice universities in some of the top establishments worldwide, including: Pharmacy at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia; Psychology at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa; Philosophy at KU Leuven in Belgium; Biotechnology at the University of Torino in Italy; Film Studies and Politics at the University of Kent in England; Computer Engineering at Edinburgh University in Scotland and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Surrey in England.
The number of students registered for the Diploma has more than doubled in the past four years. The highest points total awarded to a candidate has been 45 throughout these last years. The average grade obtained by candidates has seen a slight increase last year. We are pressing to continue to upward the grades achieved by SDIS students, especially, but not exclusively, at the top end.
SDIS’s inclusivity involves enabling all students to make the progression to and through the Diploma programme. Students at the lower end of the Diploma spectrum are reassured that universities in different countries have different requirements and that for some students simply a pass of 24 points in the Diploma will enable them to progress to higher education in a university of their choice. Students with 30 points or less have gained places to study prestigious courses in top universities, such as Film Studies at Kent and Computer Engineering at Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh.
Often success is about ensuring the students have the right subjects and make the right choices rather than the top overall scores. However, we also recognise that we need to prepare our very best students for the very best universities.
Middle Years Programme Results
Diploma Programme Results